Constitutional Law of Technology in the European Perspective

This Project is funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency to support the Jean Monnet Activities within the ERASMUS+ Programme. PROJECT NUMBER: 101047960 — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-MODULE


Dal 1° settembre 2021 al 31 agosto 2024, l’Università degli Studi di Firenze lavora ad un progetto europeo nell’ambito del programma Jean Monnet-Modules.


Il team di ricerca dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze è guidato Prof. Andrea Simoncini in collaborazione con il prof. Erik Longo e i dott. Elia Cremona, Bianca Pileggi, Giuseppe Mobilio e Matteo Giannelli.


Il progetto si propone di fornire agli studenti e studentesse e agli operatori e operatrici in ambito legale gli strumenti per comprendere approfonditamente le domande ed i principali dilemmi costituzionali che riguardano la regolazione e la governance delle nuove tecnologie, con l’obiettivo di creare un futuro digitale più umano, sostenibile e prospero in cui tutti le persone coinvolte possano essere in grado di governare le sempre più complesse interazioni tra diritto, scienza e tecnologia. 

Attraverso la creazione di un insegnamento dedicato presso i corsi di studio della Scuola di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Firenze, i destinatari saranno in grado di acquisire conoscenze, abilità e competenze per affrontare le sfide poste da una società che cambia in modo dinamico e digitale.

I temi trattati riguardano numerosi settori chiave come la regolamentazione dell'intelligenza artificiale, i big data e l’innovazione digitale, la sicurezza nello spazio digitale.


Di seguito l’abstract del progetto:

COLTECH aims at promoting the acquaintance of EU rules on the employment of digital new technologies, fostering the dialogue between academia, the world of professionals and civil society.

The EU has fast become a global leader in the regulation of new technologies. In recent years, the European legislators have enacted Regulation on data protection (GDPR), copyright, platforms to business relations, cybersecurity, etc., and are proposing new regulation on data and artificial intelligence.

The object of COLTECH’s teaching modules will be to deal with cases involving the application of the acquis communautaire in the field of internet and data law, regulation on artificial intelligence regarding the protection of fundamental rights, with a focus on Privacy, Data protection, and new phenomena of discrimination (bias).

The module will be included in the Constitutional Law of Technology course held by Professor Andrea Simoncini at the University of Florence. COLTECH will improve innovative teaching tools such as flipped teaching tools and e-learning platforms. Professors of the University of Florence, professional lawyers and computer scientists will be involved in the classes and the seminars.

COLTECH builds on the results of several studies that Professor Simoncini has achieved so far through teaching, projects and other initiatives, such as the involvement in other national and European projects in the field of Law and Technology.

COLTECH promotes excellence in teaching EU Law to obtain a correct application of new forms of EU regulation through analytical and capacity building activities targeting law students, PhD candidates and legal professionals, and the wider public. The module will produce an improving knowledge of European Union law on technology, the ability to analyse and interpret regulation on new technologies, the development of skills required for students to be employable and successful as professionals and public administrators.


Durata: 3 anni (36 mesi) 

Budget Totale: 30 mila EURO

Finanziamento UNIFI: 30 mila EURO

Website: in revisione

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