Ricerca Progetti europei e internazionali
Progetti europei e internazionali
HORIZON EUROPE 2021 - 2027
Programma quadro per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione
SONYA (2024-2026) - The role of SOcial ecoNomY in Addressing social exclusion, providing quality jobs and greater sustainability
CARE4CARE(2023-2025) - We care for those who care
DIGITAL Europe Programme
EUsAIr (2024-2026) - EU Regulatory Sandboxes for Artificial Intelligence
JUSTICE 2021-2027
Programma per la cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile e penale
TRIIAL 2 (2023 - 2025) - TRust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of Legal professionals under the EU Charter – Part 2
CERV 2021 - 2027
Programma per promuovere temi su Cittadinanza, Eguaglianza, Diritti e Valori
ARC II (2022 - 2024) - Awareness Raising Campaign for SMEs
Fondo europeo per i media e l'informazione
InfoLead (2023 - 2025) - Information and Media Literacy Programme for Judges and Policymakers
ERASMUS+ 2021 - 2027
Programma dell’Unione Europea per l’Istruzione, la Formazione, la Gioventù e lo Sport
Promuovono la cooperazione tra organizzazioni e istituzioni
- FLEE-ASSET (2024 - 2027) - Fighting Labour Exploitation through Education - Agricultural Sector Specialist Training
InMEDIATE (2019-2023) - International Mediators Trained in Europe
Contribuiscono alla diffusione delle conoscenze sulle questioni di integrazione dell’Unione europea. Il DSG ha ottenuto finanziamenti in vari tipi di azioni JM
GeoConst EU (2024-2027) - Geopolitics of Constitutions in the European legal space
DIGI_DATA yes (2024 - 2026) - Users' personal DATA, targeting, privacy and contractual consent on DIGItal platforms in EU Private Law
SPORTING (2024 - 2026) - SPORTs law for InclusioN and Growth
EVE (2022-2025)- Exploring Visions of the Environment: EU-Africa mutual learning experiences
COLTECH (2021 - 2024) - Constitutional Law of Technology in the European Perspective
- PI_IS (2019-2022) - Patrimonial issues in international successions law
PaTrisEu (2019-2022) - Patrimonial Transnational Issues in European Private Law: Evolving Real Estate Wealth, Digital Goods, Cultural Heritage Protection and Green Finance
Centri di Eccellenza
TrustEU (2020-2023) - Making visible the added value of the Union in everyday life of citizens