Logistical and Registration Information
University of Florence
Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche (DSG)
Via delle Pandette, 32
50127 Florence
How to register:
Please complete and return the registration form and received of payment to:
Email: segreteria.corsiperfezionamento@dsg.unifi.it
Fax: +39 055 4374903
For any problem with the registration, please contact Mr. Guglielmo Bevivino at the following e mail address guglielmo.bevivino@unifi.it
Registration fee:
For ICC/USCIB members, Academics, Corporate Counsel, Sole Practitioners, Government Representatives and Graduated Students under age of 28: Euro € 750
For others:
Until 07/03/2013: "Early bird special” Euro € 800
From 07/04/2013 until 07/16/2013: Euro € 900
The fee includes working papers, continental breakfast, refreshments, lunches and reception.
CLE Credit
This program is approved for 20.25 California CLE credits, 19.75 Illinois and Texas general CLE credits, and 23.50 New York general CLE credits. Baker & McKenzie LLP is a California and Illinois CLE approved provider. Baker & McKenzie LLP has been certified by the New York State CLE Board as an accredited provider in the state of New York for the period 12/12/12-12/11/15. This non-transitional program is not appropriate for newly admitted New York attorneys. Baker & McKenzie LLP is an accredited sponsor, approved by the State Bar of Texas, Committee on MCLE.
This program is also approved for 24 credits for Italian lawyers by the Consiglio dell’ Ordine degli Avvocati di Firenze.
Travel and accommodation:
Travel and hotel expenses are not included. Participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements and hotel reservations. List of accomodation: english, italian
The registration process is open now
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