Ricerca Progetti finanziatiProgetti di rilevanza nazionalePRIN 2022
PRIN 2022

Swinging Peripheries And Centers in Europe (SPACE): Comparative Legal Dimensions of Territory
FUture gEnerations and international Law: boosting an ITalian response (FUEL-IT)
The Papers and the Code. Filippo Vassalli and Italian Legal History in the Mirror of his Archive
Review of personal security measures: interdisciplinary and shared proposals for the rethinking of the healthcare/control binomial
INSURtech and sustainABILITY. Towards sUStainable ChANges, in the use of technologY and in the role of information, in insurance
To Be or to Teach? To be Labour Lawyers or to Teach Labour Law. Interaction between Knowledge and Transfer of Knowledge through University Studies in The Field of Social Science
Atti sempre più chiari. VocAvv: le parole dell’avvocato Clearer Acts. VocAdv: the lexicon of the defence advocate
Historicizing AIDS. Policies, rights, discourses, and memories in the Italian case
Sustainable Policies and Organization for a Revolutionary Transition: Accountability, Growth and Equality (SPORTAGE)
The Enforcement of ESG Principles in a Transnational Dimension: a EU and Private International Law Perspective
Safe Artificial Intelligence Systems for Public Administrations (SafeAI4PA)
Lobbies and democracy. How the regulation (or lack of regulation) of groups of interests affects the implementation of social, cultural, environmental and digital rights.
An evidence-basis analysis of comparative law
Giving Birth with Care.
Conceptions of maternity and professional ethics in obstetrics and gynecology for the prevention of obstetric violence
Gendering international legal response to chronic emergencies (GenREm)
Controlling or Caring? Theories and practices of (neo)institutionalization
The Legacy Of Paul Of Tarsus In The Western Legal Tradition