Post lauream

The Department of Legal Sciences (DSG) recognises the importance of post-graduate training as a tool that enables lawyers to enrich and update their preparation in relation to specific issues. 

The wide range of training proposals includes Postgraduate and Refresher Courses, Courses on Mediation and Conflict Management, and other Courses and Training Schools dedicated to specific topics, including the ‘Silvano Tosi’ Parliamentary Studies Seminar and the INPS - Valore P.A. Training Course, reserved for public administration employees.

Post-graduate training aims to combine lectures with interactive seminars characterised by a strongly practical approach. With this in mind, teaching involves both DSG lecturers and researchers, and experts and professionals in the sector for which the course aims to provide specific preparation. 

Students of the University of Florence may enrol in the postgraduate courses free of charge and even in the absence of the qualification (degree) required for admission. Subject to recognition by the Council of the Course of Study to which they belong, attendance of the course enables them to accrue CFUs as part of the ‘free-choice activities’ envisaged in their study plan. 

-Post-graduate specialisation and refresher courses

-Other Courses and Training Schools

-Completed courses on mediation and conflict management

Last update



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