Doctorate in Legal Science

Doctoral courses can be accessed by taking part in a competitive examination (information).

For information write to: dottorato(AT)

Created in order to merge previous sectoral doctorate courses already active in the legal area at the University of Florence, the Doctorate in Legal Sciences is currently articulated in nine curricula, seven of which have a national profile Comparative Law, International and European Union Law, Public Law - Urban and Environmental Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law: Law and Criminal Procedure, Theory and History of Law, Business, Labour, Process and Autonomy in Conflict Management - and two with an international profile -Human Rights Theories-Law and Society, Genealogy and Perspectives of Legal Thought (activated from the previous collaboration with three Brazilian Universities), European and Transnational Legal Studies (in English, activated as part of the ‘Department of Excellence 2018-2022’ project).

The Doctorate in Legal Sciences offers a highly qualified training, which - while respecting the autonomy of the various legal disciplines, the historical tradition and the analysis and research tools of each curriculum - aims to train jurists with solid methodological foundations, transversal knowledge of legal science, disciplinary expertise, and openness to the international dimension, also thanks to the possibility of concluding cotutela agreements and participating in international research projects.

The doctorate is closely related to the three strategic axes shared at European level: digitalisation and innovation, ecological transition and social inclusion.

In the first aspect, the course has for years invested particularly heavily in legal issues related to new technologies, which represent one of the research and training priorities within the 2018-2022 project of excellence implemented by the Department of Legal Sciences with particular reference to the strengthening of the doctorate. In the area of ecological transition, the course continues a long-standing tradition of research in the field of environmental law (and which represents in particular an ad hoc component of the curriculum in ‘Public Law - Urban and Environmental Law’) with several fellowships currently assigned to environmental issues. The topic of social inclusion is at the heart of the 2023-2027 project of excellence and is therefore the focus of important training and research design activities. Integration of marginalized groups, combating various forms of discrimination, the study of critical issues related to migration flows, and the protection of ethnic-linguistic minorities are among the aspects that will be investigated and discussed.

The course contributes to the training offer of the PhD School in Social Sciences, together with the PhD School in Development Economics and Local Systems, DELOS and the PhD School in Social and Political Change.

PhD School in Legal Sciences

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